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Hi, we are Farmer Tim & Astrid, and we so glad you’re here because that means you have an interest in farm fresh, real food and quite possibly even some interest in producing some of your own by homesteading on small acreage!


Whether you’re brand new to cutting out processed food or you’re a just starting a garden or bee hive, we hope you’ll find some value in our blog where we encourage you to kick the processed food habit and try at least grow or produce a little of your own real food. In the beginning of 2011 as we innocently started researching aquaponics,  we started reading ingredient labels more consciously, learning that those things we cannot pronounce on the labels are certainly not good for our health, buying organic and reading as much as we could about wellness and nutrition. Prior to this time, we relied on the labeling to be accurate and the food sold in grocery stores to be reasonably healthy, we had no idea what we were eating was so wrong. 




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TK Sunflower_edited

TK Sunflower_edited

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As we were reaseaching aquaponics and learning more and more about our country's dysfunctional food system and poor nutirtion, we knew we needed an overhaul and saw an opportunity to do something about it for the community as well as ourselves. It all started with wanting to build a small backyard aquaponics systems and have a backyard flock. However, our city's ordinances we not for that, so we found some agriculturally zoned land and the farm adventures began. It started quite simply with aquaponics, then beekeeping, then permaculture, which lead to pastured chickens and soon goats.  

What a adventure it has been! And what better way to convince others to join us in this adventure than to give you all the tools you need to successfully make it happen through not only our blog, but also our farm's educational and outreach oppotunities.


Join us on our mission of farm fresh, real food!


Here are some of the resources you’ll find on the blog:​





-How to get started in Homesteading -Edible Gardening -Small Livestock -Permaculture -All our favorite homesteading essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Homesteading Supplies we sell at our farm -Our list of recommended reading ...and more

DIY Aquaponics

DIY Aquaponics

-Free System Plans -How to get started in Aquaponics -How to Maintain a System -All our favorite aquaponics essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Aquaponics Supplies we sell -Our list of recommended reading

DIY Beekeeping

DIY Beekeeping

-Free Hive & Equipment Plans -How to get started in Beekeeping -How to Maintain a Hive, including a management calendar -Videos for pests & diseases -All our favorite beekeeper essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Beekeeper Supplies we sell -Our list of recommended reading

DIY Chickens

DIY Chickens

-How to get a small flock started -How to Maintain a Coop including a management calendar -How to Videos -All our favorite flock essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Poultry Supplies we sell -Our list of recommended reading

Edible Gardening

Edible Gardening

-How to get started -How to Maintain a Garden, including a management calendar (Florida-specific) -How to Videos -All our favorite gardening essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Gardening Supplies we sell at the farm -Our list of recommended reading



-Backyard Scale Permaculture -Free DIYs -Small livestock -Growing your own Feed -Harvesting Rainwater -All our favorite permaculture essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Permaculture Supplies we sell at our farm -Our list of recommended reading ...and more

Homesteading Essentials

Homesteading Essentials

All our favorite homesteading essentials including just about every use and own

Wellness Essentials

Wellness Essentials

-All our favorite wellness essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves

Real Solutions for Wellness

Real Solutions for Wellness

-DIY for the home -DIY for beauty -DIY for wellness -Herb and their Uses -Aromatherapy -Reflexology -All our favorite herbal essentials, including just about everything we make and use ourselves -Herbal Supplies we sell at our farm -Our list of recommended reading ...and more

Real Food Tips

Real Food Tips

-What is Real Food and why we think it’s important to kick the processed food habit -Why we think it's important to grow or produce some of your own -Real Food Recipes -Real Food on a Budget -All our favorite real food and kitchen essentials, including just about every thing we use ourselves -Real Food and Kitchen Supplies we sell at our farm -Our list of recommended reading ...and more

© Copyright GreenView Aquaponics LLC
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